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Crunchy Dickwater has to make the most meaningful and difficult choice of his life, so we need your help! Post in the comments who we should pursue: Lexi or Cece!

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ayq8jz1i544d6izjz1z9f/Leap-of-Faith-EP-15.mp4?rlkey=shrjc9nnyh92j4u88mdwl45rn&st=ueblx105&dl=0



Mark Blythe

I went for Lexi since I hate the way Cece acts


My votes for Lexi


I’m throwing in my vote for Lexi. The celebrity aspect presents some potentially interesting and strange story developments. Not to mention, Holly becomes an option?! Are you kidding?! I have to see that crazy German get more involved in the story!


Yes for lexi. Also for holly the best voice.

The Quiet Wolf

I think you should choose Cece. I would say she is objectively the better written character and might be the most beloved girl from any avn game. Whenever the community holds best girl competitions she does very well, including the time she won a 128 girl bracket over on reddit that took 2 months complete. If you guys plan on only doing one playthrough for this game I think it's even more important to pick Cece, because it would be a shame to play Leap of Faith and not to play the Cece path.