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Crunchy meets crazy-voice Holly and realizes that his ex Stephanie is in town, leading to the dumbest decision imaginable. When he finally finds her, she tells him a story so wild you have to hear it to believe it!

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/23ax3jmwhn9x8cn0beyd2/Leap-of-Faith-EP-18.mp4?rlkey=l34l1erkx1xobduw9z6k2z57c&st=umfyer6m&dl=0




Oh my god. Stephanie’s story was such a long winding road of utter nonsense. I can’t believe it somehow congealed into something that not only makes a certain amount of sense, but has me really excited to see what happens next! Holy crap, guys. Bring on the machine uprising!

Ron Harvey

I have a new place of respect for Chris's moustache. As for Stephanie... I can only see an all women Thunder Dome situation for Crunchy to find a happy resolution.


I don't know which story was more farfetched, the actual game's story or yours XD