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Link: Fallout 1x3 FULL REACTION

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Jeff K

YES. Been refreshing for the last hour hahaha (I promise, I actually DO have a life). Also, guys, just an FYI: I know y'all have been talking about playing a Fallout game; the Fallout 4 next-gen update went live today.



Jeff K

By the way guys, just got to the first scene with Lucy: the song playing, and basically every old song they use in this show, comes straight from the games as well.


"It's from Hogwarts Legacy" Remember, Oak, Fallout has existed since the 90s ;)

Jeff K

Also Diamond Dave (and everyone else): if you want to do some deep dives into the lore, I'd HIGHLY recommend Oxhorn on YouTube. He's done a shitload of lore videos and is one of the biggest Fallout experts on YouTube to the point where he's been brought out to multiple Fallout-related events (including getting flown to an early screening of the first two episodes, which he documented on his channel). Basically, he's the go-to stop for any Fallout lore.

Jeff K

And the Gulpers were first introduced in the Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC (phenomenal DLC, by the way; it might actually be better than the base game), which was released in 2016... which obviously still predates HL, of course... haha.


I love that the creators of this show have paid homage to both Fallout 1 and 2, there are a lot of easter eggs. Fun fact, the original Fallout creator is called Tim Cain and the first game was released in 1997. He gave this show a thumbs-up and liked it as well. If you guys are planning to play Fallout, in my humble opinion I would advise you to start with Fallout 4. The others has aged pretty poorly and Fallout 4 is a great place to start.


does it say smth abt me that i jumped around in excitement seeing this? maybe. do i care? no. hype to watch this and see yalls reactions to this episode


I agree with Fallout 4 being the best starting game for their gaming channel.

Jeff K

In terms of graphics, for sure, 3 and NV have aged a little poorly since they're so outdated. I think both have better stories overall, but 4 has the most fully-realized setting and, obviously, the best graphics. The good thing about Fallout is that, really, you don't have to play them in order so jumping in with 4 works well.


Actually, even better than oxhorn, watch “The Story Teller” on YouTube for Fallout. It’s a whole 3 season show where they give you lore of the world and make a story around new characters. Yall should watch it and react to it

Justus Staab

Noticed the Song you guys were talking about as well, it sounds like "Adress Unknown" which is a Song they did use in Better Call Saul.


I also say 4 solely on the fact its player voice acted and i dont think they play too many non voice acted games before. And the story is more in your face than the other games

Jeremy Burch

I don't know if I'm in the minority on this or not, but I kind of hope Lucy keeps her 'Do unto others' believe. I hope she becomes less naive, she'll need to in order to survive. But I still hope she generally keeps that belief and attitude, of trying to help others, not just becoming what everyone wants her to become, which is just like them. The Ghoul and Lucy are definitely my favorites, although Maximus is growing on me in every episode so far.

Claude Johnson

As a fan of the games I’d just like to point out that the water monster is based off a Gulper, mutated salamanders, which first appeared in Fallout 4’s Far Harbour DLC which came out in 2016, as opposed to the Dugbogs in 2023’s Hogwarts Legacy.

Ivan Rasmussen

As soon as I heard the not get sidetracked comment I thought of Mason Quinn loving that lol. He just wants to get to the meat of everything in gaming which I can understand haha


The broken water chip is a reference to Fallout 1 - the initial plot of that game that sends you outside of the vault was to find a replacement part to fix it.

Alyssa Dyson

Lucy is the best. Love the actress who plays her as well. 💜

ZJ Johnson

Fun fact: you may have noticed that the axolotl looking Gulper had not just human fingers, arms n hands, but also human *eyes*

Ronny H

Oak said a giant frog w legs... that's pretty darn close 🤣

Ronny H

Everyone: not the deviled eggs Dave: 😐

Ronny H

Episode 4 has my personal favorite quote 😆 can't wait til you get to it I loved the reaction 💚 I promise this is my last comment