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Hey Squad, only two videos left before we get back to tutorials, I'm just taking the next 3 or 4 days to really reflect and get my thoughts together before tackling the next big goal - And, I thought I'd share some of the big things that have been occupying my mind lately.

So far I've been a bit surprised with Unreal's weaknesses. I've always heard it was like "the perfect beastest engine ever", and within the first week getting into it I've already hit 2 major set-backs. The first is the Machine-Learning plugins for Unreal seem to be severely glitchy and not very well developed. Which is a bit sad because I honestly think Machine learning is going to be the standard tech for most things in the future. In Unity it's quite straight forward to train an AI to teach itself, and you can train the AI to learn things that are actually useful in the real world too. There are even Unity ML learning algorithms that can take  generate fairly good Animation data from 2D video footage. So, not having a solid system for that in Unreal is a bit worrying.

The second big thing is it's starting to become apparent that for mobile games, Unity is exceptionally good at compressing file sizes that are compatible with the android and apple stores. To give you some perspective, the Entire game of Macrophage without special effects was 60mb big. To contrast that with Unreal, a blank project starts you at 300mb - (Remember 150mb is the limit for Android) So, while possible to do mobile with external download stuff, Unreal really isn't optimized for phone games from what I've seen so far, and player base for phone games is exponentially larger than the PC player base. Which, is a big risk for a small indie dev like myself who had more plans for phone games.

All that being said, It's only been a week, and I'm 100% certain that I'll find things Unreal does better than Unity as time passes - I really want to give Unreal an honest and REAL full shot. But, I didn't expect to find such drawbacks so early into the start phase - I'm gonna keep diving and practice with it for a few months before I really make my decision where to set-up base long term. Right now, I think the best use I have for it is more of a rendering engine than a game engine, but that's still pretty important as a 3D animator so I think in the end I'll gain something good from this experience -

Anyway, I'm surprised I don't really see anyone talking about these points when comparing Unity with Unreal, I feel like I watched 10 or 13 comparison videos, and somehow it's just not brought up at all lol - But, I'll keep you guys posted -




No engine is perfect, that's for sure, lol. There are ups and downs for both, and I've heard that Unity is generally more user friendly in areas. That said, tech like Lumen and Nanite let you do some things that other engines simply cannot replicate rn. The Unity ML stuff sounds really cool, I'm going to have to look into that! Afaik the overwhelming majority of the large scale mobile game market relies on external download to device. A game like Genshin Impact would never fit into 150mb, but raked in over 1billion in a year as a mainly mobile title. Could be worth looking into that option? I'm personally unsure of the deployment method for that though. Wish I could help there. Feel free to pm if you ever have some basic use questions. The learning curve for Unreal can be quite steep - and the tutorials out there are full of teaching not-acceptable practices in real studio titles


cursed c++… just realized that cover image i’m pretty sure is Aerith! 🐧🐉


Will definitely keep you in mind when I hit roadblocks in Unreal. I've already started to find things in Unreal I really like though, I think in the end I'll probably feel right at home after a few months - Still a process in work lol