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This week I've been focusing mainly on the writing, and I've completed all the day-time events of the chapter. Now It's time to move to the night-time events, which will tie up (hopefully) the plotlines and branches that have been developing during the summer house event.

In my last postI discussed the challenge of writing in-between and casual scenes. You mentioned you generally enjoy them, but I'd love to know: what kind of scenes and interactions would you like to see between the group during their vacation? I need some inspiration for ideas, and even if I can't implement them, they might spark some evocative concepts. For instance, I wanted to include a Pictionary minigame in the previous release but had to cut it due to time and production constraints. I also had to cut a pole-dancing mini-game I was planning for chapter 11 for the same reasons. Even though I think mini-games help break the pace of the game and can add fun and variety, they're not integral part of the story and I try to only add them when I can and if they make sense (and I already devoted way too much time to the MMA mini-game, but that was something I had wanted to do since the very inception of this game).

What's your opinion on mini-games, do you think they add to the experience or detract from it? For now, I don't think I'll be adding more, but it would be cool to add the Pictionary one someday...



Six of Crows

Inbetween scene, Seymour starting to have more control over Lena’s everyday life, sending her clothing to wear or a plug to put in. Can you do an outfit with a fur coat, I’d love to see Lena draped in mink or sable by Seymour.


I think the mini-games can be fun a few times, but it would be nice if you could skip them in cheat mode with a specific outcome (multi-choice) in mind. As far as the interactions with the group: Maybe give Ian a chance to show off his strength based on those gym choices. It could be a fun mini-game, so the better you do, the more reps you can get. It could be basic like push-ups or pull-ups. Maybe a game of "chicken" in the pool with couples (ex., Wade and Cindy vs Ian and Holly). Narrative-wise, it would be nice to see more interaction between characters who haven't interacted much previously. I wish Ivy were more in the mix. The drama building up between her and the others is one of the most exciting things to me now.


Truth or Dare type game where they all put their phones in a hat. Loser of whatever game they play needs to show the next text they get to everyone else before they read it.


Another fun game while gathering around the bonfire would be "marry, fuck and whoring instead of kill" 😋


Having the collective group play Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, or Most Likely might be a lot of fun. Could be a little challenging to write based on story branching but it would be amazing if there was some variances in the games based on current status in relationships.