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Hello! During thius week I've been playtesting, fixing, adjusting and ensambling all the pieces of this last update and I'm almost done with the Alpha. I'm still racking my brain to finish organizing and connecting a few scenes, but the chapter is almost complete.

Although there are probably still some bugs and inconsistencies I haven't detected, the update should be stable and ready to play. So, I'll release the Alpha version tomorrow, Friday the 26th, for all patrons in the Diva tier. Stay tuned!




Super excited!


Perfect timing: The weather feels like summer, ORS has reached summer and I have time on my hands. The only thing I have to considerate is if I want to play the alpha or wait for the beta or the final release to enjoy the full flavor. Temping to play it now, but one also does not drink Champain from the bottle ;) (sounding like Seymore :D ) .

Pär Åkermark

Too bad, I’m not alpha. Barely beta as I come to think about it…


Spectacular ⚜️

Paweł Pańczak

And that's why folks your day gets better! So hot!


I'm final release. Every time an alpha comes out, I think about upping my pledge, but I know I can't afford it, so I must wait.

Kurt Wagner

Looks great and I’m so excited. Lena must have long legs bc she looks same height as Holly here and I thought she’s significantly taller


holly,who she is.that's how romance flows.i do a cry in your rain~~Eva Mwah

Valentine Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-26 07:12:31 Is it gonna be a scene with both Holly and Lena?
2024-07-25 19:56:51 Is it gonna be a scene with both Holly and Lena?

Is it gonna be a scene with both Holly and Lena?


I would raise my tier to get it, but it´s the end of the month (and my spending money) so I will wait until August to do that.


OMG that scene is wow! raised my tier don't even care lol

Jonathan Heard

do we eta on alpha release time

Sol Mein

The Ian humiliation route is amazing. So excited to see Lena’s side of it and everything being set up. Great work!


Sorry to tell all , the game Our Red String [v Ch12.3 Alpha] is out free to play online by 31.7.2024 . just now