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Hey guys,

I've been doing a lot of soul searching these days and I still have some to do. It's been hard finding time or focusing on the game, but I can assure you I'm actively working on it, chipping at the scrip bit by bit. My whole schedule and workflow has been screwed up, but thankfully the GUI overhaul and the Tyrone part, which were pretty massive, were done before.

The Alpha should be ready in the following days, I hope that no more than a week from today. I hate to fail to be on schedule and I hope you guys can wait a bit more. Thanks again for sticking around!

Kisses, Eva


alex cvrbs

we all pay sponsorship to patreon monthly, to patreon and the creators do not care if we have sufficient funds or not. they simply deny the content. the creators have to learn to separate the professional from the personal. I agree that EVERYONE has problems and it is good to take some time for your personal problems but not abuse.


There hasn’t been much communication on behalf of Eva which is the worst part. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people unsubscribe after the next full release..


Well, she posted the alpha eight days after she posted this topic, and the beta three days after that. Should probably have posted something to all patrons during this period though, and I would have preferred another status update between this post and the alpha release. Not terrible communication, but not great either.