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Having Ian as a playable main character beside Lena has been a bold choice, but one I had been wanting to make for some time. Dave and Jack, en even Eric were very interesting characters to write in GGGB, and I thought about a lot of scenarios and choice mechanics I could create if they were playable characters. I knew I didn't want to make the exact same game twice, so the idea of having a male main character (without rejecting the female lead, of course) really appealed to me.

Ian's appearance is somewhat similar to Dave's. I tried to create an average but charismatic guy the player could easily identify himself as. His personality also draws quite heavily from Dave and Eric, but more nuanced of course. I wanted a character who started in a not-so-good position but with the potential to evolve and get himself into exciting, fun and dangerous situations (that will be up to you!)

Having Ian as a main character not only allows me to show some situations from an alternate point of view (something I would've like to do with GGGB, seeing how the male characters reacted to Ashley's shenanigans), but also makes it possible for me as a writer and for the player to explore new scenarios: seducing girls, playing action scenes, cheating or being cheated on, and so on. It opens up so many possibilities and I'm having a lot of fun writing his character.

I know it's not the same formula as in GGGB, but it's what I really want to make and I'll do it as best as I can, like always. I hope you have fun playing him!




Saw a pic og Ian naked, he seems to have a small penis, i think thats a shame.

John Storm

Is there any plans for Ian to make money fighting, like ufc style tournaments, I think it would be really interesting. Maybe also change his nerd looking haircut