Lena's outfit collection (Patreon)
These are all the outfits Lena can wear so far up till Chapter 6.
Outfit variety is something many people wanted me to improve from GGGB, where Ashley's clothes were determined by the path she was in during the game, with 4 main variations. In ORS I'm trying to give the player more control over the choices of clothing for both Lena and Ian, and also have more outfit variety depending on the scenarios: work, everyday life, going out and also some special outfits for sexy scenes.
The main limitation on giving player too much choice over too many outfits comes when drawing the CGs for the various scenes. There's no problem when only characters sprites are being displayed, but in a drawing when two characters are kissing, for example, could mean making that same drawing two, three, four or even more separate times to account for all outfit variations. This is really time consuming production wise and also makes the game heavier, so I'll try to find a way around that to give you more customization options and not lock them to specific play-throughs, like in GGGB.
In Chapter 7 you'll get to choose new outfits, not only for Lena but also Ian, and many NPCs will have new styles too!