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By the end of GGGB I was already feeling weary of creating new sex scenes. I had written and designed a ton of those, so when I started ORS I was worried about making the new ones feel too similar to the ones I already created, unoriginal, stale or even worse, boring.

I'm trying my best to come up with interesting scenarios and scenes that feel flavorful and as impactful, hopefully even more, than the ones in my previous game. I would like to know what scenes you enjoyed most in Chapter 8, and if you want to comment on why, I'd love to read it.

I'm devoting a lot of effort to the new scenes in the upcoming chapter and I want to make sure I keep striving in the right direction, so your input is appreciated! I might make another poll with your favorite sex scenes overall, but there are so many that I'd need to choose the most important ones. But for now, here's the poll on Chapter 8!




I want to somewhat answer your "question"(not really a question, I know) though it may not be in the exact way that you want. My favorite scene from GGGB were the office scenes with Ashley's boss. Not sure why. I think it was the shameless nature of the situation in which Ashley knew that it was likely the whole office knew what they were doing but she didn't care. Ultimately I think my point is that you don't have to worry as much about having repetitive, reused, "boring", or "vanilla" scenes. The scenarios, environment, atmosphere, and the protags thoughts matter more than anything.


for me it was any of the lesbian scenes/dialog i enjoyed most :)