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Download the Android app 

Hello! This was long overdue, but finally ORS has an official, stable Android port!

I tried teaming up with some people that were already creating their own unofficial ports in the past, but those versions weren't really stable or properly optimized. This time I've hired the help of a great professional and finally we've ported the game so you can experience it anywhere from your portable device. I'm also excited to see my own creation in the small screen :)

I want to make some further adjustments down the line, like making the menus bigger and better suited for mobile gaming, but for now I think this version makes the game justice. Let me know if you find any problems with our port and what improvements you think could be implemented in the future!




I totally agree with Bethor. Can't understand why someone would want to play this fine art on a stamp-sized screen, but glad you made it and it meets your standards :) . Just hoping it will not lead to more mobile-"optimisations" for the pc-version like even less saves per save-screen.


I guess Eva wants us to masturbate whenever and wherever we are. Unless you're an iPhone user - then you are pure.


*g*. Masturbate? I solely play for educational purposes!