Chapter 10 weekly status report (14) (Patreon)
Hi everyone, a really quick update this time.
I've been progressing the script, writing Lena's side of the story. Simultaneously, I've continued to work on new drawings and also editing already colored ones. Some new outfits and character sprites have been created too, maybe I'll show some of them down the line.
For now, I'll share with you the drawing test that the studio I hired did for me:
This is the best one I've got so far and I think it's pretty serviceable. After doing a quick pass on it, this is the result:
I've decided I will keep drawing all the faces and hair myself, since it's were the hand of the author is more recognisable. With this method I've commissioned one scene, and if I'm pleased with the results, I will commission a second one. This should help speed up work, and hopefully I can end up delegating more scenes (though I'll keep drawing entirely the ones I consider more important).
What do you think about it? I read you.