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UPDATE: After reading through your messages and comments, it looks like the majority has spoken. We're going to watch/listen to the original Japanese songs on their "Wake Up" album (18 Minutes) and then check out RM's mixtape :) Our friend Alina has already put together a playlist for us (thanks Alina), so we're ready to rock. We'll get back into RoB next week.

A reminder:
livestream today starts at 10:00am Eastern Time. That said, I'll post the full recording here after we're done.

Livestream Link: meet.google.com/ihk-hqnk-bjh

Original Message:

What's up everyone! 

We're back for another BTS livestream tomorrow. According to my schedule, we're back in RoB mode with RoB Episode 8. However, it was also brought to my attention that BTS has a Japanese album titled "Wake Up" that was released around this time, which we could also get into (this was not originally on the schedule).

So... I'm not entirely sure what direction we're going to go tomorrow. I will wait on your feedback!

Livestream Details
Day & Time: Wednesday October 12th @ 10:00am Eastern Time
Videos: Select songs from "Wake Up" + RM's Mixtape
Livestream Link: meet.google.com/ihk-hqnk-bjh

Whatever route we choose, I'm looking forward to this. As always, will post the recording following the livestream.

AND... start time is earlier tomorrow (10:00am Eastern Standard Time).

Talk soon,

- Max


Tatiana Specht

Maybe we can do both the 3 original Japanese songs (plus intro & outro) on Wake Up, and then RM's mixtape "RM" which has around 11 songs?


A lot of RM songs from his mixtape are really personal to him. Knowing how much you like him, I think you'll love it. I'd personally prefer to listen to both the jap album and the mixtape before moving on


You could imo skip the japanese albums and circle back to them after RoB is done. However I /really/ think you should do RM’s mixtape which came out around that time instead, since it is so personal to RM.


I vote for listening to both the Japanese album and the mixtape. Especially the mixtape


The Japanese albums are basically the songs you've already heard but in Japanese plus a few original tracks so I don't think it would be worth dedicating a whole stream to it, so like others have suggested you could include it with RM's mixtape. I am hoping for a new episode of RoB this week though as we did an album listening last week

Barbi Duarte

I think the Japanese album you can skip for now, it’s mainly songs you already listened but in Japanese, so I think it’s best continuing with ROB But listening to Rm is also a good choice I think !


I agree, do the Japanese songs that are new and RM’s mixtape.


I think if we skip the japanese ones we'll miss the opportunity to connect some dots within the BU storyline (I'm thinking Blood sweat and tears japanese MV, Film out MV, even the I need U and Run Japanese versions. I think for the japanese albums we should do the new songs and the japanese MVs for the older songs and just skip the songs that we've listened to but do not have MVs


The thought of missing any of the songs/MVs that are part of the BU universe storyline gives me anxiety, lol 😁


Absolutely and I love the Japanese ballads so much


Same! For some reason, Crystal Snow came to mind, but there are so many good ones on the japanese albums


That's a good point actually. Skipping the japanese stuff altogether would mean we'd miss some bangtan universe stuff. Also some really good songs, Jungkook's "Your eyes tell" is a favourite


Some of my favourite Bts songs are their Japanese ones. Wake Up, Let Go, Crystal Snow, Film Out, Lights, Don't Leave Me, Your Eyes Tell, For You... Damn I didnt even notice how many of their Japanese songs I love before I started listing them lmao!


The songs just hit differently. They are some of my favorites.


Oh, great decision. I've never taken the time to really dive into the Japanese albums and RMs mixtape, so I can discover a lot myself. Unfortunately I am still like 4 streams behind.🙈


Hey Lina, If you get a chance I would suggest for you to listen on your own first, especially RM's mixtape to build that appreciation before going into the reaction .Makes it more interesting and also you'll get into RM's mindset and thoughts on your own first without hearing another perspective during your first listen :)