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This one may've been even better than the first!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8on6b0sC9Y


sturniolo fan 2 uncut



you should definitely watch Nick’s coming out storytime


You should really watch one of the Matt bakes blindfolded videos! :)


I love your reactions to them so much


love your reactions to bts and now the sturniolo triplets :) i also think nick's coming out story time would be a really cool video to watch & react to


Would you rather is a good video to really get an idea of their personalities more and we argue about our favourite things in the world


Matt 100% looks up to Chris and relies on Chris a lot and I think he’s the most dependent of the others


Definitely watch nick's coming out storytime video, the dynamics are explained there quite well :)


If you plan on reacting to them more, I think it would be better if you reacted to their videos from older to newer if that makes sense, so that you can see how they’ve evolved and how their dynamics change and get more of an understanding of them. That’s just my input though :) you’re doing amazingg <3

Erin Whittier

Please watch Nicks Coming out story, it kinda goes over how Nick was feeling about being left out a little bit. Overall it’s a great video


I feel like you should watch fanfics part 3 and siblings or dating next it’s shows their personalities and relationships best that’s what i think


I would really like to see you react to the deaf, mute, and blind baking part 2 video. I think it's a very interesting one.


I think you are onto something with Chris loving Matt! I think Chris hypes Matt’s glowup! Also, they definitely roast their audience which is quite hilarious but has us shooook haha


yeahh someone said that Chris always jokingly flirts with Matt to include him and boost his confidence as it seems he's the most one out for them to be more shy and less confidence and i totally agree, i really think Chris is the best middle guy cuz he understands both of Matt and Nick so well