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For those of you who were trying to access some of my older videos on dropbox, they should ALL be available now.  If you're still having trouble accessing any of the links, please send me a message or comment on the video below. 

Anyway, enjoy the content :) A lot of the stuff that I just updated include a TON of older livestreams. We checked out a lot -- including full episodes of BTS' In The Soop, tons of live performances and interviews from artists like Stray Kids, One Direction, TXT.... and so much more. 

Hope you all are having a great weekend. 

Talk to you very soon, 

- Max



Great, thanks Max! About the skz videos you filmed, do you know when you’re going to upload them?

ᴮᴱ maria⁷

saw this video of u on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRK1GcsJ/ the comments are sweet