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Hey everyone, 

Just a heads up, there won't be any purple or platinum livestreams this week. I'm feeling in need of a bit of downtime this week -- just some time to recharge. 

We will pick back up next week -- likely on Tuesday :)

I hope you are all doing well and I'll touch base soon, 

- Max



For sure take some time to recharge as needed! 💜 also, they released the Festa calendar for this year– looks like we’re in for some surprises! 😊

Olivia Sophia

I wish you all the relaxation and anything else you need for your mental/physical health rn!


Have fun and enjoy some nature activities and the good weather. We will be here when you return 😘


🫡have a good week max!


No worries, take your time and take care

Georgiana S

Take your time, have a nice week!