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An incredible series that really highlights the unbreakable bond that these boys have. Maybe my favourite BTS series yet.
Also -- checked out some V! 

Link: https://vimeo.com/871939228/dd09622334?share=copy


Purple Livestream (2023-10-06)


taetaebear01 (Lindsey E.)

My guess on all the love for palette is that it’s fun to see bts members with friends that aren’t other members ! We get to see them together a lot so it’s fun when we see someone else in the bts orbit haha. Still recommend suchwita over palette tho honestly I love them both equally. Tae is so charming haha


Kind of came from nowhere but I burst into tears at the 38 minute mark (of the episode), that transition from the speeches really hit hard. Moments like this I just always feel so grateful to know them and to be able to feel these intense but beautiful emotions.