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What's up everyone! 

I thought we'd do a little livestream today and feature some of the One D guys -- maybe we can check out some of their solo work that you really like -- or -- some older songs or videos that you like.  Maybe an interview.  Let me know in the comments what you're feelin'.  I'm down to revisit these guys and check out some good music/videos.

Link to Livestream: meet.google.com/xzc-zfwg-bga
Day/Time: Today (Thursday) February 1st @4pm Eastern Time

See you soon. 

- Max



harry styles dodging interview questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awh1qg-fDZ0

Yara Roos

Louis and his Louis https://youtu.be/Zg7izYT813I?si=LVwGg5fpndG5zUPE


this is 25 minutes long but it's still a good one!! niall on hot ones: https://youtu.be/QnoG0a7dZk8?si=EmYwzhZ3wUgazJRD


10 Times Harry Styles recognized a fan in the crowd: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BJg_2a3qSYY&pp=ygUeaGFycnkgc3R5bGVzIHJlY29nbml6aW5nIGZhbnMg


hi. are you planning to do any livestreams for the purple tier this week? :)