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Some time ago, there were hardware changes in the animation of sims. So, it became possible to animate the vagina, anus and buttocks. 

To see these changes in the game, players had to replace the game meshes. But the animators had to change the encoding. And these changes have not always gone smoothly.

For example, for the Wheel of Eros, I had to change all the animations completely.

It took a lot of time and effort, but now everything is ready.

For understanding, I decided to show what animations are available for the Wheel of Eros today. The list includes both updated and completely new animations.

1. Start animation

2. Roll "Again"

3. Roll "Blojob"

3a. React "Blowjob" NEW

3b. Act "Blowjob"

4. Roll "Spanking"

4a. React "Spanking" NEW

4b. Act "Spanking" NEW

5. Roll "Vaginal"

5a. React "Vaginal" NEW

5b. Act "Vaginal"

5c. Act "Vaginal 2"

6. Roll "PussyEating"

6a. React "PussyEating" NEW

6b. Act "Vaginal"

7. Roll "Anal" NEW

7a. React "Anal" NEW

7b. Act "Anal" NEW

As you can see, these are not all the positions that are in the wheel list. The work will continue.


Carl Studebaker

Not sure why but your "Wheel of Eros" animatons are only showing the microphone options when it is clicked on it. I have the "lovely toys" and "wheel of eros" packages uploaded to Patreon on February 10th installed in my "MODS" folder with no subfolder being used. My TS4 game version is for Windows so that shouldn't be a problem. Operating system platform is Windows 10. Wicked Whims version is 176.1 uploaded to Patreon on February 11th.


Hi! I checked it in my game - the wheel works. Have you downloaded the latest pack of lovely toys?