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hey everyone, so my laptop is currently down because of a dead battery that  seems to be causing some other problems too, plus there a event i have to help with this weekend, so it's a short art week. i'm hoping that just getting a new battery in the laptop will be all i have to do (last time i booted it on Wednesday, i have a c- something invalid thing pop up while trying to boot it, might of been cmos) and once that's in i can just keep rolling with art in monday. i'll keep you peeps update in the situation, but i can help but feel a bit mad cuz last year in May, so one year exactly, i have computer problems with the hard drive, and while this isn't that serious, to have problems again one year later is just annoying. next time i have to get a computer, i'm just gonna get a desktop, the laptop is cool, but i never take it anywhere anyways. so it might as well be a desktop. plus this battery thing is just meh to deal with.

anyways, i hope you understand, and thank you for your support!



Hope you get the new battery soon. No worries on the inconvenience

Ben-Zero Ultimix

Aww it's ok man, my PC has a problem too with having a reboot error. Gotta reinstall Windows 11 or I can't upload any mods from certain games there. Good luck with getting yours fixed~ 💚

javamation studio

Dang man, sorry to hear that. Hope it gets resolved swiftly.