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Some more info on this week's mod!

I've decided to call this mod and some future mods all quite the same.
For this week's it will be the Placeable Birds - Seagulls mod.

But I'm planning to make more mods like this in the future too with other birds. So for example the Placeable Birds - Pigeons mod.
This will be the same as this week's mod, so also an invisible object which is placeable onto all sized deco slots and spawns an animated bird effect. These mods will help making your lots look more alive by adding animated animals to it.

For this week the seagulls will not only make your lot look more alive, but also sound more alive as you will also hear the sound of seagulls.
Adding this to lots like beach houses or a beach gives just that bit more of extra realism.
Another extra is the possibility to place three or five seagulls in a row at once. But placing them one by one also got it's advantages. 

I will also upload a sneak peek for the higher tier about how these will look when placed into the game in a couple of minutes and maybe another one tomorrow.

Hope you will like them when released this friday!


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