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I would like to remind anyone still being in the $2 Pledge tier to switch to the $3 Pledge tier if you still want to be able to read all updates on what I'm working on and as a bonus also get to see what I'm working on because of the Sneak peek images and videos I'm sharing for this new tier too! Early access might also be an extra if I need testing.

For the people still in the $5 tier, you can switch to the $3 instead without losing any of the rewards you're having right now. If you want to keep supporting me with $5 that's perfectly fine too of course. ;)

On Thursday the 15th of March, I will unpublish the $2 and $5 pledge tiers and will only be posting to the new $3, so if you don't want to miss any updates, switch!

You will have to switch or stop by yourself as it won't be deleting your current pledge amount. 

I will contact all my patrons personaly again through Patreon message service on thursday for the 3rd and last time to make them aware of the change. After that it's up to them what they do.


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