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Yesterday when working on 3 group of rocks from the Get together Pack, I found out that exact the same rocks were also in the debug section of the Base Game objects!

And because Base Game objects can be used by everyone, I needed to re-do everything I had done with those Get Together Rocks. Which was quite a bummer as I thought I had them almost finished.

So besides unlocking them, I also made them placeable in pools and fountains and made them placeable close to/inside other objects (So no moveobjects on cheat required)

I'm still working on getting some recolors together so they will perfectly match with the rocks already in game. Besides the normal 5 recolors, I will also add some others which I "borrow" from some other expansion packs. Think about the mossy rock texture that's used in Selvadorada. A Sneak Peek about those Recolors will probably follow tomorrow. :) 

I did search for some other rocks from other packs to unlock too, but I discovered that a lot of the rocks EA uses in each new Expansion Pack, are exact the same as the ones for the Base Game. Some other rocks look too pointy/unrealistic and some don't have good textures. Probably because they're used somewhere in the background of the neighbourhoods.
Although there's a big change I will unlock some bigger Jungle Rocks too and of course the cliffs that I will probably make next week which can be raised up from the ground to have more possibilities.



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