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Like you can see, EA also uses some sort of a Raisable Cliffs technique, only they can do it much more easier when building a world for our Sims.

With my Raisable Rocks you can accomplish something quite similar, only in my case you'll have to work with the MoveObjectsOn cheat and there fore can only raise them in certain steps.

When I've got them a bit more finished, I will post some Sneak Peek example screenshots.




:D I really like these cliffs - I used an unlocked version of the game cliffs in my DOTY 2018 Round 1 build - these are enormously helpful when building to make the land look cool and not just flat <3


I will possibly also add "normal"unlocked and recolored versions too for a specific reason I will be sharing later today.. :P


Going to look at the previews now <3