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Hello Everybody!

I would like to let you know that I just applied for the EA-GameChangers program by filling in the form which can be found on Community Manager's Kate Twitter account.

There were already multiple people who told me I should try too, so today I tried to write a nice   piece of text about why I think I should be a good person to be a GameChanger.
Now let's hope she likes what I wrote and add me to the program.

If this happens, this probably means there's a possibility of getting early access to new Expansion-, Game- or Stuff Packs in the future to already check out what they have to offer and sharing the info about it with you all if the Embargo date lifts for that Pack.

Maybe it will also give me a way to talk more about what I like or dislike about packs. Or sharing ideas with Kate/the team?
I'm not sure about this, but we will see IF I get admitted to the program..

For now, fingers crossed!



Hello, this is an exciting moment. Hopefully they pick you, recognizing the animated fullness you've brought to so many gamers' games. If not, you don't let that stop you from applying again as you definitely have the growing fan base and initiative to be a GameChanger. Here's to positivity and good luck!


Well the animations are still made by the Maxis Team, only I make them useable for the whole community by combining them with other objects. ;) But I'm one of the few that does, that's true. ;)


That would be wonderful, Bakie! For sure, you have changed my game :D