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Hello everybody,

Let's start by saying that it was a good decision to not make a mod and video for this week as I'm still working on a mod, but now for next week which isn't even finished yet.

But I can already share some nice info about it.
First of all, Next week I will release 2 mods in one "pack". The first one is going to be an unlocked, recolored, slotted and animated sailboat. Where the slots will be there so you can place my Animated seagulls on it and the animation will be an On/Off Switch that makes small water waves/ripples to appear around the object. The reason to add an On/Off switch rather then an always ongoing effect, is because of the fact that you will be able to place this boat both on land as on the water surface.
The second object is going to be an unlocked boat trailer. Probably with some additional recolors and slots too. I will try to make at least one large deco slot for the boat, so that you can place the boat on the trailer too.

I will share the first screenshots probably tomorrow. :)



Happy Thanksgiving from us! Also, GREAT mod idea! Sounds awesome. Will make Lakehouses and the such so, so much more believable. Fantastic.


What a delightful sounding set, Bakie! I'm looking forward to seeing it in action :D