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I've changed something from the original idea of my Denizen Pond mod, which is instead of an override containing the 3 default recolors of the pond too, is making it a standalone mod without the original recolors.

The reason for this, is because if another modder makes an override of this same pond with other cool recolors for example, you will have to choose which mod you're going to use as you can't use them both at the same time.
Making it a standalone, you won't have this problem. The original Denizen Pond can still be found in game too without anything changed to it.

As for the name of the mod file, I need a bit of your help.
Right now the name of the mod file is BakieGaming-DenizenPond-RecolorsSlotsLight
But I don't really like that name and it's a bit long, so I was thinking about
BakieGaming-DenizenPond-Revamped, but I don't know if this is a correct English name?
It's also a better name for in-game: Denizen Pond - Revamped.



Revamped works perfectly in English, Bakie :D And, thank you for making this a standalone object <3 <3 <3


Then I go for the revamped file and object name, thanks! :) And you're welcome!