Time for testing! (Jungle Ruins) (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
Time for testing my Jungle Ruins National Park lot!
I few things which are important for you to test:
- Before starting your game be sure to have all needed mods and tray files in the right folder (links below)
- In your library be sure to check the "Includes Custom Content" Check box (How's that called in English?) My former sneak peek image shows what you should look for.
- Before placing the lot (size:64x64 Windenburg has one on the island for example), be sure to activate the moveobjects on cheat: Ctrl+Shift+C: bb.moveobjects on.
- The front of the lot is the part where the Pathways go's to the "temple gate".
If it's not that way after placing, click the "Arrow Cross" in the upper bar and choose rotate lot.
- After placing, play with one of your households, zoom out and choose the "travel" option.
On the lot itself check if the following animals can be found (Some of them may take a few in-game minutes before they spawn):
Snakes move over the lot: A python near the front of the lot and milksnakes (the red/white/black ones) more in the middle. They will be repeated after some time.
Butterflies will spawn on multiple locations: All the way at the left side of the lot, on the right near the "open temple", in the garden behind the main temple and at the campsite.
Toucans: One on the left on the wall, one on the back on the wall and one on the crashed airplane.
Macaws: Multiple on the main temple (Some sit there forever, others fly in and fly away again repeatedly), On the open temple (fly in-out), On the middle tall wall near the potted plant (Fly in-out), On the short wall near the pond (Fly in-out) and on a tall wall at the left side of the palmtree in front of the gap between two walls at the left.
Iguanas: In the main temple, in front of the open temple, in the garden behind the main temple (2), on the window sill of the tall wall in the middle, on a column at the right and on the crashed airplane.
Alligator, Frogs, Stinky Bubbles and small Waterfall: In the pond.
**Own mistakes found already**
Rat: Near the bench on the left front side, repeats itself. Will probably walk right through the bench. (Will take another look at that)
Dragonflies: NONE, as I apparently forgot to place those. (Will take another look at that)
- Link Trayfiles (Place in your Tray folder): http://bit.ly/BakieGaming-PatreonOnly-BakiesBuilds-JungleRuins-Trayfiles-v2
- Link Mods (Place in your Mods folder): http://bit.ly/BakieGaming-PatreonOnly-BakiesBuilds-JungleRuins-Mods-v2
>> Be aware that some of them are updated, mostly recognizable at the end of the file name. Older versions of those need to be deleted. <<
I hope everything works as it should and if you find anything disturbing about the lot, please let me know so I can try to fix that.
If you don't find anything but just want to let me know you like the way it looks, that's fine too! 😋