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Wait what? A sneak peek image just out of the blue from something we haven't heard of?
Yes! Exactly that!

First of all, I need to let you know that I haven't got eyes on the Effects list yet, as it isn't updated yet. So I can't work on new placeable animals for now.

But I do have something new to share. After the latest patch I found a texture of a chicken and as I knew that there would be chickens in Sulani, I already hoped I found the texture of one of the effects from the Island Living Expansion Pack.

It now turns out I did, as changing this texture and making an override of it makes the chickens walking around in Sulani to have more virbrant colors!
When I'm able to check all new effects and make a placeable animals - chickens mod I can add this texture override too, for the people that would like to have more vibrant colored chickens in their game.

I can also upload it already as a separate mod, but I think the video would be too short as it's only the textures from the chickens walking around in Sulani that changed. So I think adding it as a BONUS feature for the people downloading my mods on YouTube will be better. Also as it will attract more people to my YouTube Channel I hope.  😎 

As long as the effects list won't be updated, I will probably unlocked objects and recolor them and maybe add some different tuning (interactions). But I still need to check the debug objects in Studio.



Silvia Stückemann

Wo kann ich die Hühner denn Downloaden?Die sehen echt süß aus!!!


Hi Silvia, you can't download them yet. They can be found on Sulani walking around near houses. But I will defenitely make a placeable mod for these chickens too! ;)


This is so adorable.