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As you can see in this picture, this Ocean buoy can also be used in worlds outside of Sulani. For Example in your custom oceans, like the one I made in Windenburg for my former beach related mod showcases from which you can see quite a few in the screenshot.

Making screenshots of the diving might be a bit difficult as they dive under and will disappear, so I'm not sure what other screenshots I can share. But if you have any ideas let me know. ;)




Excellent news, Bakie!


Hi Josephine, First of all, sorry for the late responce, but I was away all weekend. About getting the buoy into your game, just like you would place any other item into your game. Download the mod itself by clicking the download link in the video description on YouTube, place it into your mods folder and be sure that you've got mods enabled in the option menu. Also be sure to have the Island Living Expansion Pack as that's the pack where this object came from. ;)