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Hi all,

I haven't let you know much about this week's mod yet as I'm almost all the time distracted by the urge to find out how to make objects placeable in the ocean. And then especiallly how to make already excisting mods placeable in the ocean, like my sharks mod.

You could already see them swimming around in the ocean in my last video, but I placed them using the MOO cheat and I want to be able to place them without cheats just as in the swimming pools. Besides that, I need to know how to make an invisible floatable base game object for some of my future mods..

So I'm still planning to do the chickens mod this week, but I think I will try to finish that one tomorrow and spending the time today on hopefully figuring out how to solve this problem.
I already spend lots of hours trying to figure this out though, so my trust in solving this problem gets a bit smaller every day 😓  



I believe in you, Bakie 🤩