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Hello everyone,

Not much news rather then that I've finally bought the 'My First Pet' stuff pack, but also the 'new' Discover University Expansion Pack as it's 50% off now.

The reason for buying the My First Pet stuff pack is because I still want to make my own kind of Zoo in The Sims 4 and Kalino's small pets could come in handy then I guess.

So besides the Magic Pack, I can also look for mod ideas in these two new packs now.  😀



I love buying the new packs and then filtering for just those items. Going through every swatch. Have fun and I hope that you enjoy!


I still have to do that exact thing, I only started the game to see if they were really installed 😋 . But they were! Probably sunday will be the first day I will be able to take a look at the objects in game.