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Hello everyone, 

Already an update on my next project. As I won't have much time the upcoming week and it's a idea that costs more time then the frogs of yesterday, it will probably be released the week after.

While looking at the scenes I made for the frog in my video, you might have noticed that my Water Reed + Dragonflies mod wasn't visible in there. Normally I would add that one too, but I noticed that it had the 'see shadows through object' problem.
When looking at my other Water reed + Animal effect mods, I saw that all of them have this.

Now my first idea was to only fix that for all water reeds, but then I thought about my Placeable Fish mods I made not that long ago, where one object could activate multiple different effects. So that's what I will be making for the water reed mods too now:

One single water reed object with the possibility to choose between multiple different pond animal effects! This makes the older water reed mods unnecessary.
The water reed + Dragonflies one, will still be needed if you want to have the 'catch dragonflies' interaction in your game too as I won't be adding that one to the new mod.

Besides the new mod,  I will also fix the 'shadow problem' for the original ones. :)
More info will follow later!


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