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On the images above you will see all 13 recolors with a weathered version next to it.
I also made a blue and dark blue, green and dark green & red and dark red version. Those weathered versions might not be that well visible for all of them.

Looking at these fences, you can now also see how big one piece is, which is half of the fence. This won't be the only piece though. In total you can eventually choose between six different pieces. One of them looks like the fences above, but then out of one piece. Then there're a couple of broken fences and a single post.

Examples of all these pieces will be showed later.
In the upcoming days I will continu unlocking these specific fences, adding deco slots and adding the same 26 recolors. I also need to change a few other things so they show up in the correct places in game and can be used on sloped terrain as well as a few other minor changes.

I hope my next update will be much sooner then the time in between this one and the former one.  😅

Keep safe and as healthy as possible everyone!



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