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Hi everybody!

I forgot to make a post about what I will be trying to make for my next mod which will probably be released next week. Remember I posted that screenshot of the different bee effects? Yesterday I attached the chosen one, the most left swarm of bees to an invisible object. That's step one of this upcoming mod.

The other ideas I have for this object is make a catch interaction, so your Sim can catch a handful of bees which automaticaly will be turned into a terrarium with some bees inside of it in your Sim's inventory.
If I get this interaction to work, you do need the Outdoor Retreat Game Pack as that pack made it possible to catch multiple insect species.

Another idea is to add the fertilyser bonus that is available on the Bee box from the Seasons Expansion pack. The only problem on my side I have already, is that I don't play the game itself often enough to exactly know what it does, so I will have to test that out.
And maybe you can explain to me how I can see that it works?
I probably need to plant some veggies first I suppose  😅

I will try to make a sneak peek video soon about the bees effect I will be using for this object, that should always be visible. Also after catching bees. More info soon!


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