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Yesterday at the bottom of my post about the new additions I've added, I already mentioned that there were some problems with this object.
To go in more detail about that, after a few in-game hours the bees disappear. It's not just the effect of the bees, but the entire object! Which is incredibly annoying as it means you should re-place the object every few hours in game.

Now after hours and hours testing and thinking about where the problem could be, I've still found nothing to fix it!  😭 My last hope is that icemunmun can find a fix for this.
If she can't I won't be uploading this mod, but try to make something totally new probably not involving a swarm of bees.

You probably understand it frustrates me a lot that it doesn't work after all those other things that do work! Also because I used quite the same code as for the catching dragonflies mod which doesn't has these problems.

I hope my next post will be about good news for the Animated Bees object!



Here's to hearing good news!