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In the images above, the final two windows that I've added deco slots to.
For both the small as medium deco slots counts that not all have been used in the images above as they partly overlap each other to give more possiblities when decorating the window sills.

Just as with all other windows I've added slots to, on the outside there're only medium slots placed, but they can be used by the smaller objects too.

The total of windows with additional slots is now 13!
I'm not done yet though, as I still need to slot 8 diagonal models of those 13 windows which probably can have a bit more deco slots as they look to be wider.

More detailed info about how much additional slots each window has will follow later.




Looking great! 🥰


Ziet er leuk uit. Ben hier blij mee, want vond het altijd spijtig dat ik niets aan de ramen kon geplaatst worden.


Your wait is overrrr! Of ja, nog niet helemaal. Nog even wachten tot het einde van de week. :)