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Hi everybody,

I still needed to show you my own aviary birds!

Right now I have 2 bird species. On the first and second image, you see my Bourke's parrots (parakeets). These are Australian parakeets. The first one is the male and he looks like how they normally look in the wild too with these colors. Although it's colors might get brighter after the first moulting. He will also get a blue stripe above it's eyes. The second one is a female and has the rosa (pink) color mutation.

My hope is they will form a couple and have baby birds next year :) First signs are good as I've already saw the male feed the female and they're following each other quite often.

The other bird species I have also are Australian birds called zebra finches. To be more precicely, black cheek zebra finches. I don't have to explain why probably  😅.
Though normally a real black cheek female zebra finch has the black cheek too, but less bright instead of the stripe down which all other zebra finch (mutation) females have.
This was something the man who sold me these didn't know though. I bought her anyway as I really liked her colors. I'm also not going to swap her for another black cheek zebra finch female as they seem to like each other a lot.

On the last image you see their nest. I've made a start and they will finish it. Unlike many other aviary bird species, they will use it to sleep at night too. The bourke's parakeet will simply sleep on a branch.

I'm planning to add one or two more bird species, but I'm not sure which one yet.
Whenever I do and bought them somewhere, I will let you know!



Lisa K Baldwin

OHH so sweet <3 I love them .. the only birds I have are the ones who eat at my feeders

Lisa K Baldwin

Yes .. I adore them! Esp the little golden finches.