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I've done a few test in game and sadly it looks like my new waterfall mod made my game to freeze. When switching from build mode to live mode all UI would disappear and no matter where I clicked, there were no options for interactions as well as the option menu anymore.

So I had to quit game using the windows taskmanagement.
I've asked for help on TwistedMexi's discord channel as I got a lastUIException file each time. Someone thought it was because of the notification panel being full and clearing it would fix the problem, but it didn't help. I also read something about a buff in the lastUIException file, but they didn't know anything about that or what that could mean.

So I just tested the game without the waterfall mods and the problem wasn't there anymore. I've now deleted the buff from the waterfall mods and the problem seems to be gone now. So, the focused boost the Sims would get by getting near a waterfall has now been removed. I hope this really was the problem, and I can continu recording video and making screenshots for the final video now.

I really hope I can finish this mod and video as fast as possible, I'm ready for something new again now.  😉 


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