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Another update on the fire breathing gargoyle and this time about the snow melting around it when the fire breath is activated.

The first image shows the radius in which snow pals, snow angels and snow drifts will melt away. The total radius is 5, so that means it's like 2,5 tiles around the object's footprint.
Looking at the first image this means that the snow pal on the far right and the snow angel on the left will not be harmed by the fire.

The secod image is the same as the first, only with the grid deactivated. Then on the third you see what happens to snow pals after activating the fire breath, they will immediately melt away partly. The snow angels will stay the same, but like can be seen in the last image will also disappear together with the snow pals after some time. The snow pal and snow angel outside of the melt-radius will stay the same the entire time. :)



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