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Hello everyone,

First of all some words about the new upcoming EP: Snowy Escape.
I've watched the gameplay stream about it and think that this will be one of the most beautiful worlds of The Sims. I also think there will be some nice modding possibilities, but can't say that for sure without playing it. As for effects, I haven't seen that much interesting ones except from some spirits and snow falling and of course the koi fish, which I already made placeable myself ages ago. So I will probably re-promote those upcoming friday for the people that might have missed it before.

As for the new project I will be working on, I think it has to be a smaller waterfall as that's what came out on the second place at the poll I did. It won't be the smaller part of the Batuu waterfall though, as the vfx of it isn't that great. The other smaller waterfall in Batuu is almost as high as the one I already released, so I need to find something else.

As there're still a lot of other waterfalls available in the Sims worlds, I will try to find some of those effect codes to see if I can make a nice waterfall object out of them.
So more info on what kind of waterfall will be released next, will be shared later.
I first have to find it 😅

As for the release date, a release this friday won't be possible I guess and next friday the new EP will be released. So I'm thinking of something in between. Maybe next week's wednesday or something.


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