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As promised a sneak peek of all the Onibi colors and a bit more info about what I've added.
First of all, the Onibi colors you can choose from are Blue, Green, Orange, White and Yellow.
These can all be selected by clicking the color swatch with the same color. The recolor tool won't work on this object as to be able to add the other recolors too, I had to add different tuning to each swatch.

Now normally I would make these invisible objects only 1x1 tile, but in this case I've changed it to 2x2 tiles as after a few in-game hours, the Onibi will disappear. The sound can still be heard after the disappearing though. To get the Onibi back, you can wait for many in-game hours, or simply move or replace the object in build mode. As it can be difficult to find back a 1x1 tile object, I've decided to go with the 2x2 tiles. You can then use the mouse by hovering over the terrain until the grabbing hand appears, or the eye dropper tool. When using the latter, the name of the Onibi object should pop-up when hovering above it. You can then switch to the grab tool for replacement. This is especially useful when searching for the object where there're a lot of other objects placed around.

Another thing I've added is the ability to place the object on the water surface of fountains, pools and even the ocean. When you place the object not that far away from the border of the fountain or pool, your Sims will still be able to take selfies with, or photos of the Onibi.
In the ocean this means that your Sims need to be able to stand near the object. This can be in shallow water as the object itself needs to be placed in deep water.

I think this is everything you need to know about this object, but in my video I will show all of this with probably one or two example scenes too. :)

