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"Poison dart frog? Thought you were working on a terrarium?"
Yes, I still am. But sometimes I need to do something different and yesterday evening that was such a moment.

I thought if I use my animated placeable frogs mod, maybe I can change the texture and this way try to make new frog species for inside the terrarium. I think this first one looks quite good already! As you see there are two more swatches, but for both of them I'm not sure if I will keep them. After I made the one above, not much worked out any more. Maybe also because I was half sleeping..😅

The eyes of these frogs are a vfx, so that's why you don't see them. They should be visible in game, but I haven't added the vfx yet and also haven't tested it in game.
But at least the idea is there, so I can work out more recolors later together with adding the needed vfx of the eyes.
