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I've had some time to think about what I wanted besides an invisible floor decal to spawn the deserst snake and lizard, and this is the outcome of that.

The first swatch will give you an invisible floor decal, like a lot of my other mods.
The second will give you an image of the animal it spawns. So more or less an animal droven over by a car as it's totally flat...

The other three will give you 3 base game terrain paints turned into a floor decal. All three of them fit perfectly into desert-like worlds like Oasis Springs and Stranger Ville. Although they can also be used in other worlds too of course. As they're made out of the texture of terrain paints, you can make them nearly invisible when placed onto the same kind of terrain paint. When hovering over the area in build mode, the terrain paint floor decal will light up slightly, making it easy to find.
Also because I managed to make these terrain paint floor decals to have soft edges, they can be used on their own underneath rocks or plants too. This was the part which gave me headaches as in most cases the game doesn't handle soft edges, so semi transparent images that well. But it all works now!



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