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Hello all,

I've updated my entire Animated - Fish Pack 1 and my Waterlilies + Fish vfx.
At the bottom of this post you will find the updated files.

Updates Animated - Fish Pack 1
- They can be found in the new pond vfx section in build mode.
- Object's title has been updated with 'Bakie' in front of the title.
- Object's description has been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with Animated text adjustment.
- Object's price has been changed to 4 simoleons, After updating all mods, all pond vfx should be placed in front of the EA ones, all terrain vfx should be placed in front of my pond vfx.

Updates Animated - Waterlilies + Fish vfx
- They can be found in the new pond items + pond fountain + pond vfx sections in build mode, just like all other lilly objects.
- Object's title has been updated with 'Bakie' in front of the title.
- Object's description has been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with fish under the water lilies and Animated text adjustment.
- Object's price has been changed to 100 simoleons, that's the same as the original object.
- Both the fish vfx version as the additional recolors version without the fish vfx have been merged under 1 thumbnail. The original On/Off frogs vfx toggle has not been changed, so can still be used together with the fish if you want to.
Because of this, I've made a second mod which delets the original object from Build mode as it's unnecesary to have that one (with only the pink water lilies) next to my mod version.
The first 6 swatches have the additional fish vfx, the last 6 are only the recolored versions.

Probably friday I will be updating the files and texts on MTS and YouTube.
( I just saw I wrote waterlilies instead of water lilies in the water lilies + Fish object's title, so I might change this for friday. If you don't mind this minor mistake you can keep the files below.)


Be sure to delete the old files before starting your game, otherwise the change might not be visible.

Info video about each individual mod:
Animated - Placeable Fish - Fish Pack
Animated - Water Lilies + Additional Recolors + Fish vfx
