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Hello all,

I've updated both my Water Reed + Pond Animals as well as my Water Reed + Dragonflies vfx + Catch Interaction mods.
At the bottom of this post you will find the updated files.

Updates Water Reed + Pond Animals as well as Water Reed + Dragonflies:


- They can be found in the new Pond items as well as in the Pond vfx section in build mode.
- Object's title has been updated with 'Bakie' in front of the title.
- Object's description has been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with Animated text adjustment.
- Object's price has been changed to 15 simoleons, this will place them right behind EA's water reed objects.

- I've restored the object's shadow, which adds more realism instead of seeing no shadows of the plant at all.
- They're now also placeable on pond water surfaces, besides placeable on fountain- and swimming pool water surfaces.
- They can also be placed onto slopes now, which makes it easier to place them near the edge of the ponds too. This isn't possible with EA's water reed objects for example.

In-Game only for Water Reed + Dragonflies:
- Enlarged the object by 50%, so it's now only 75% of the Water Reed + Pond Animal object. Before it was incredibly small which looked a bit strange next to the other water reed object.
- Restored Catch Dragonflies interaction.

Friday these files will be updated on MTS and YouTube.
There might be more mods by then, but I'm still working on the frogs at the moment.


Be sure to delete the old files before starting your game, otherwise the change might not be visible.

Info video about each individual mod:
Animated - Water Reed + Pond Animals Effects
Animated - Water Reed + Dragonflies Effect 



Thank you for updating everything, Bakie! 🌸🤗🌸