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Hello all,

As you might have already seen, I've made a LIST with all mods I still want to update so they appear in one of the pond sections in build mode. Most of them probably also get the update to be placeable on or under the water surface of ponds.

The next mods I will be updating are all ocean related. With the new pond tool it's now also possible to make a more realistic ocean as in that there are no walls anymore around it. Downside though, Sims can't swim in these oceans, only play in the shallow parts.

Raisable Coral Reef Pack
On the first image you see the new ocean/beach I've created with the pond tool. This one will be filled with all upcoming ocean mods, starting with the Raisable Coral Reefs.

Right now I've made these placeable in ponds too and restored it's sunlight shadow.
I need to check if there're more things that can be updated with these, but otherwise I will start with updating the Reef Deco Pack. 

Probably tomorrow I will make a separate post with the Raisable Reef Pack changes and the updated file for you.



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