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For this week I've started updating the jungle mods. The Animated (Swimming ) Alligator and Green Stinky Bubbles are my main focus now. To show them eventually on a thumbnail (together with the other jungle mods), I need to make a new jungle scene with Jungle pond!

So above you see the start of it, which I expect to be looking far more interesting when it's finished 😅. Of course you won't see it's made on a lot in New Crest in the end either. Besides the alligator and bubbles mods, I will also update the iguanas, macaws, toucan, snakes and jungle butterflies. Those last ones will probably only get the text updates and the change of category to the Pond VFX section.
The unlocked camp sign which came with the toucan and the unlocked crashed airplane that came with the iguanas will only get the text updates.

More updates on the scene and maybe already some updated files tomorrow!



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