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Hello all,

I've found some more time to take a look at the other planned insect mods and I'm almost finished updating them too. Hope to be able to share the updated files for these mods this weekend for my Patrons.

I've made the Placeable Butterflies that came from the Island Living Ep, now also placeable on watersurfaces, so you can easily spawn them above the water surface too. As this isn't an invisible object, you still need to hide the object manually by placing it underneath water lilies or water reed for example.

If you use Twisted Mexi's BetterExceptions mod, you might also experienced a pop-up while using the catch interaction of the Placeable Bee Swarm mod.
There was a problem with the reward-text not popping up in the upper right corner when succeeding in catching bees. It also gave you a terrarium with dragonflies instead of bees. Both these things are fixed now.

I still need to test and update the Flowers + Bumblebees mod. So if anything will change for this mod, I will let you know! :)


