🚨 (Filthy) Bone fish + Eagle has been UPDATED! (Patreon)
Another updated mod, this time my (Filthy) Bone Fish + Eagle. If you're not familiar with it, this bone fish has an On/Off switch to turn on the green damp you see coming from the bone fish on the left image on the thumbnail. You also have the option for an eagle to spawn above the fish depending on the swatch you choose. As can be seen the right of the thumbnail, cats will eat from the fish too. For more in-depth into check the video.
For a list of all updates/changes, take a look below.
- It can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
- Object's title has been updated with an invisible 'Bakie' Search-tag in the title.
• It can also be found by typing Bone, Fish, Eagle, Bird or Birds into the search bar.
- Object's description has been updated to new format.
- Object Thumbnail has been updated with (Animated) text adjustments & an Eagle on the first two swatches.
- Price has been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section.
- Object is now placeable underneath Water Surfaces (Also on shallow ocean floors).
• WHY: This can be used if you like to have dead fish laying in your pond for whatever reason. Using the first or second swatch, the eagle flying above it will be lowered.
- Object is now placeable on slopes, which makes it easier to place it above uneven (pond/ocean) floors.
Be sure to delete the old files before starting your game, otherwise the changes might not be visible. You might also need to delete the "localthumbcache.package" in your TS4 folder if the catalog thumbnails stay the same.
YouTube Video + Download:
If you're not familiar with this mod, please watch the info-video on YouTube by clicking the link down below. For the download link, take a look at the video description on YouTube:
Animated - (Filthy) Bone Fish + Eagle